Privacy Policy

The developer and owner of this app or game is
TheAtrxcity with Ikaworks.

We respect your privacy and will only actively collect any of these:

Your e-mail address for when we make important changes to the privacy policy.

If you have not provided us with an e-mail you can find our privacy policy on:

A username and password for one of our services.
In case we need to save data on your game.

Your playtime, for us to see how much you enjoy our games.
Purchases you have made, we wouldn’t want you to lose what you paid for.

Your IP and MAC address if we implement multiplayer in any of our games.
We will only use this to ban players or try and protect you from unrecognised behaviour.

Your highscore and the ID provided with by Lootlocker.
For more information about Lootlockers privacy policy please visit this link:

We may share your advertising ID with a third party if you have given us consent to do so.

We may need to share your information with social networks to make logging in for you easier!
We won’t store this information.

We will never sell your information and will ask for your permission to share it with a third-party.

This is however only applicable if we are not forced to share it by law or to protect you or ourselves!
We may also share your information if we feel it is necessary to enforce our rights property or operations.

Feel free to request the information we have actively stored by sending us a message on: